TWCA SSL更換憑證公告


TWCA SSL更換憑證公告



茲因國際組織CA/B國際規範變更之需求,為確保本公司持續提供最高品質及嚴格之CA服務,本公司遵循國際規範之要求,TWCA SSL憑證將配合變更:


  1. 憑證延伸欄位中之基本原則:(Basic Constraints)屬性,由non-critical變更為critical。
  2. 原憑證需於規定日期前廢止。
  3. 此次變更僅憑證欄位調整,以原金鑰重新核發憑證。

臺灣網路認證股份有限公司 敬啟



TWCA SSL Certificate Replacement Announcement 


March 13, 2024

TWCA is committed to providing secure online certification services, ensuring the safety of internet transactions.

In response to the evolving requirements of the CA/Browser Forum, and in alignment with our dedication to delivering the highest quality and stringent CA services, TWCA will adhere to international standards. As a result, adjustments will be made to TWCA SSL certificates to comply with these changes.

Key Changes:

  1. The "Basic Constraints" attribute within SSL certificate extension fields will undergo a transition from "non-critical" to "critical."
  2. Original certificates issued must be revoked by the specified date.
  3. This modification exclusively pertains to the adjustment of certificate fields, entailing the reissuance of certificates utilizing the original key pairs.